
Choosing Educazoo
it's above all encouraging animal welfare !


95% of our animals are rescued animals, that is to say animals that have been abandoned.

Furthermore, all our animals are considered non-allergenic.


Our two sanctuaries are home to more than 90 different species, totalling more than 700 animals!



You can no longer take care of you exotic animal ? 
Click here

Selection of the animals


Our biologists are in charge of selecting the animals that will visit you on the road.


The selections respect the following criteria

  • Outdoor temperature  

  • Species adapted to the age of the group

  • Respect of the schedule of each animal

  • Each animal needs its own level of stimulation*


*This need varies according to the species, but also according to the personality of each individual. The outings are therefore planned to achieve the level of stimulation required for their well-being

C’est toujours dans le respect des besoins de chacun que les sélections sont créées !

Demandes spéciales 

Lors d’une réservation, il est possible de faire une demande spéciale (2 à 3 espèces maximum). Nous les noterons à votre dossier et ferons tout notre possible afin que vous les rencontriez. 

*Sachez qu'on ne peut garantir aucun animal, car on travaille pour le bien être des animaux.







Educazoo is home to over fifty reptilian species at the sanctuary including lizards, snakes and turtles. We do not work with alligators for ethical and health reasons.


Discover the extent of our reptile repertoire and be fascinated by these scaly animals that make up our large family!

Our reptiles




Educazoo is home to more than twenty species of mammals of all kinds! 


The animals that make up our large team of furry friends are considered to be non-allergenic at short exposure so that they can be safely handled during our activities. 


Here are our furry friends that you may have the chance to meet on the road!

Our Mammals





Educazoo is never in complete silence as our birds create the safari atmosphere we love so much!  


Hearing our birds sing, talk and coo is even an experience you can have on the road! 


Our two sanctuaries are home to birds from the following known families!

Our Birds



Educazoo is home to more than twenty species of amphibians, each more colorful than the next.


Some of them fit on the tip of a finger while others are too big to be held with one hand!


Meet species that sometimes have strange textures, but are extremely interesting to discover!


Discover their crucial importance in our ecosystems!

Our Amphibians



Arthropods & other invertebrates


Educazoo is home to more than a dozen species of arthropods and molluscs*. These small creatures are incredibly efficient and make up more than 70% of the planet’s biodiversity! 


Explore and discover the fascinating world of mono- and multi-legged animals!

Our Invertebrates


*Educazoo holds a CFIA permit to work with giant snails.

Follow our adventures!







CITES : International trade in endangered wildlife species.


A partnership with Environment Canada allows us to hold unique items seized at customs that come from poaching (ivory tusks, python skin, furs, sea turtle shells, etc.). 


These pieces are used in some of our animations in order to sensitize the public to behave responsibly when consuming animal products. We also teach them the importance of wildlife conservation and the repercussions of poaching on animal populations.